The virtues found in Pilgrimage or Umrah

Pilgrimage and Umrah

Hajj is an Arabic word meaning 'to intend a journey.' Pilgrimage is one of the obligatory of Muslims revealed by Allah SWT in his Quran. Narrated from Abu Huraira:-

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Whoever performs Hajj for Allah's pleasure and does not have sexual relations with his wife, and does not do evil or sins then he will return (after Hajj free from all sins) as if he were born anew."

Usually, those who want to perform hajj must visit it in the holy place which is Makkah al-mukarramah. 

The main rituals of Pilgrimage:--
  1.  Ihram - Men must wear the ihram garments consisting of two white seamless sheets. Ihram symbolises equality and unity as there are no visible reminders of class, wealth, status, or culture. When Ihram, they cannot cut their nails and hair, not engage in sexual activity, and also not fight.
  2. Tawaf - Every person needs to walk counter-clockwise seven times around the Ka'aba. Most interesting is when people can kiss the hajarul aswat there.
  3. Al Safa and Al Marwah - Pilgrims run seven times between the mountains from Al-Safa and Al-Marwah as Hajar did when she searching the water.
  4. Mount ArafatPilgrims go to the plains of Mount Arafat, where the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) gave his last sermon, to stand in vigil.
  5. Stoning the Devil - After staying in mount Arafah, pilgrims move to muzdalifah and the mina to perform a symbolic stoning ritual known as jamarah.
The virtues found in Pilgrimage or Umrah:-

1. Al-Tadhiyyah (Sacrifice)
    It is because, in order to perform the Pilgrimage, all Muslims must spend quite a lot amount of money in terms of preparation, flight ticket, and others. Therefore, we sacrifice for Allah in order to get his blessings and pleasures. 

2. Taqwa (God Consciousness)
     The pilgrimage makes people be aware of the greatness of God and his majesty. Therefore, most people will become a servant with humility towards their creator. With humility, people can develop kindness and sincerity in anything. Based on that, Allah loves who does good.

  • CFS IIUM Usrah Class (CCUB 1062)



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