The virtues found in alms


Zakah derived from the word al-zakaa' which has several meanings namely al-nama' (growing), al-thaharah (clean), and al-barakah (increase). Zakah is one of the pillars of Islam. There plenty of verses that discuss alms or zakah in the Holy Book. Since that, Zakah is a form of obligatory charity that has the potential to ease the suffering of millions. As Allah already said in the Quran,  

“And establish prayer and give Zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah.” (2:110, Qur’an). 

“Whoever pays the zakat on his wealth will have its evil removed from him”

 (Ibn Khuzaimah and at-Tabarani).

“Of their goods, take zakat, so that you might purify and sanctify them.” (9:103, Qur’an)

Zakah divided into two categories namely Zakah Wealth(mal) and Zakah Fitr. 

The difference between Zakat wealth and Zakat ul Fitr is eligibility. All Muslims, who have enough food for a day, must pay Zakat ul Fitr (otherwise known as Fitrana) regardless of their age or financial status. Zakah wealth is given only if a Muslim has the Nisab level (enough nisab and haul.

Under Zakah Wealth, there plenty types of them;

  • agricultural zakat
  • livestock zakat
  • gold and silver zakat
  • income zakat
  • business zakat
  • savings zakat
  • investment zakat
  • EPF zakat
  • takaful zakat

The virtues from Zakah:-

1. Tawakkul (reliance on Allah)

2. Ukhuwwah (brotherhood)

In perspective who the ones have zakah; they can purify their wealth as well as their soul. It keeps them far from arrogant and exaggerated. It is because Prophet Muhammad SAW encourages us to always moderate or average in every single thing. As one society, we should care about other people. If zakah can be spread to the fakir miskin (poor), then it will decrease the social problems in the society such as steal, rob, and so on. From giving zakah, the amount that people willing to perform zakah, Allah will return back in many ways and more than that.

In perspective for zakah recipients, zakah helps them to continue their life as usual. but then they should always be grateful to Allah who is always giving them sustenance and pleasure. Therefore, they have to try their best to change their life.


  • CFS IIUM Usrah class (CCUB 1062)


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