The benefits from being patience

In Arabic term patience is Sabr. Sabr derived from the word sad. ba. ra which means patient. Sabr also means restrain or leaving. Everyone in this world does not escape from the obstacle, test, and so on from Allah SWT but we have to be patient and believe that God does not give his servant the test that cannot be settled by his servant. Therefore, we are actually strong enough to walk out all the tests with patience and appreciate the value of it.

"Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good." [Yusuf:90]

 Patience is the way for us to practice kindness which makes you feel good too.  Since that, patience leads people to become a kind person, so these people like a magnet that pull others close with them Already revealed Allah SWT in Surah Ali-Imran verse 134:

Who spend [in the cause of Allah] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good;

— Saheeh International

There was a story about a mother who does not get mad at her kid even though her kid bumped her and spilled the water. Let imagine that you are in the same boat. Mother has two choices: she can yell at you and get mad, or she can have patience and say “Oops! You were jumping and bumped into me.  Your glass was full of water and it spilled right on your head!  Is it cold?  Let’s get a towel and clean up this mess, then I will fix you another glass of water.”

Therefore the mother tried to show the best example for his child and soon her child will grow up. Then, the child becomes a person with good attitude to other human beings. As already mentioned by Allah, He loves his servant in doing good deeds. In order to get his blessing and enter Allah's heaven later.

The other benefit from being patience is Allah grant them who is patient with a clear victory. Moreover, Allah will always with them by guiding and supporting them. 

In Surah Al-Anfal verses 46 (8:46)

"Surely, Allah is with those who are As-Sobiroon (patient)" 

The person who always patient is the one who always escapes from hurting other people's hearts from the mad or angry. Therefore these people did not need to hostile with others as well as plenty of people happy and like with the behavior. For example, there is people who always patient when other people do bad things to him. At the same time, he accepts that as Allah's test. He always asked Allah for his help, he does not forget Allah therefore God will pleasure with his action. 

There are 3 types of Sabr(patience)

  • Sabr in carrying out all the acts of worship. As a servant, obviously, we need to do what Allah's commandments in perfection.
  • Sabr in not committing sins. We have to be patient in order to get pleasures from Allah SWT and stay away from what god forbid us. 
  • Sabr in enduring misfortune Allah decreed upon us.


CFS IIUM Usrah class (CCUB 1062)


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