Rukhsah (leniency) outlined by Islam in the context of Ibadah

Rukhsah is leniency or concession given to Muslims in worshipping and performing Allah’s commandments during certain situation due to obstacle or any matter permitting exception from the general principle. According to AbuLuwis (1997: 254) rukhsah literally means to lighten and to ease. In technical, rukhsah means leniency or concession for mukalaf (accountable person) in performing Allah’s commandments in a certain situation due to difficulty, a reason permitting exception from general principles on account of al-Hajat or al-Daruriyat.

The month of Ramaḍān [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’ān, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the crescent of] the month,1 let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.

— Saheeh International

The rules of leniency:-
  1. Obligatory -people can eating haram food that forbidden by Allah SWT when halal food cannot be found. For example, when people get lost in the woods and unable to find the halal food to be eaten, meaning to say they can just eat what they found at that time.
  2. Recommended/ encouraged to do which is sunat -people who in a long journey, they are allowed to shorten the number of rakaat in prayer known as qasr.
  3. Permissible (harus)
  4. Advisable not to do - people are allowed to consumed tayammum whenever they do not gound the source of water.
  5. Reprehensible (makruh) 

In the context of Prayer, as a Muslim and a servant to the oneness Allah SWT, people are allowed to consumed qasr (shorten) and jama' (put together) those prayers according to the guidelines, rules, and procedures given by Islam laws. There a guideline that Muslims must follow in order to worship Allah with jama' and qasr. There only three prayers that can be shortened up called Zohr, Asr, and Isyak but not to Subh and Maghrib prayer. For jama', Muslims can put Zohr and Asr together as well as Maghrib and Isyak.4

The leniency occur:-
  • due to sickness causing prayer not be performed normally
  • sue to Musafir of good intention
  • in continuous heavy rainfall
  • in rescuing flood victims, flight and extinguish the critical fire
  • in treating patients in critical wards or in operation
  • the inability of covering aurah
  • in a strong fearful situation

  • CFS IIUM Usrah class (CCUB 1062)


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