Benefits of having an good niyyah (intentions)

                  "Verily, all actions are but driven by intention and for everyone is what he intended " - Bukhari and Muslim. I have started my writing today with a very beautiful Hadis derived from Bukhari and Muslims. Do you know what is niyyah? Niyyah in Islam holds very great importance for each Muslim believer. It is because the value of a person's action is based on his or her motive, objection, and intention. Therefore, as Muslims, we always need to have a good niyyah. 

The benefits of having a good niyyah:-

1. Setting the right intentions  

From Prophet Muhammad SAW, " Actions are (judge) by intention (niyyah), so each man will receive what his intended for." - Bukhari and Muslim

  • Intentions are the root of every action. The action must start with an intention. The good intentions will lead to good action meanwhile the intention will occur otherwise.
  • The heart is the one where allocate the intention whether bad or good. Based on that, people should be clear that they must check their hearts frequently.

2. Cultivate Since Towards Oneself

From Prophet Muhammad SAW, " Verily, the people will be raised for judgement only according to their intentions." 

  • Every act of worship, charity or good deed will be judge one day. As the ummah of the last Prophet which is Prophet Muhammad SAW, we should be grateful and feel lucky because we will be rewarded if we have good intentions before doing good things even the good deeds does not happen again. In contrast, we will not be recorded any sin if we intend to commit sin or bad deeds. It will be recorded only after we do so.
  • Sincerity is one of the essential virtues in Islamic teaching.

3.Niyyah can change your whole life

Muslim Scholars said, "Allah doesn't accept any deed without intention and Allah gives Muslim's reward his/her eating, drinking, even sleeping due to his/her intention in these deeds."

  • Sleeping:- Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Adhere to that which is beneficial for you"-Muslim
  • Eating:- Have good intention while eating as you eat to gain energy to be able to worship Allah like praying, working and so on
  • Caring about Our Appearance:- The Prophet Muhammad SAW always cared for his appearance and he always good looking
  • Having Fun:- Prophet said' "The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy"
4. Niyyah can help to guide our action 

"We have sent down the Book to you.'O Prophet' in truth, so worship Allah 'alone' being sincerely devoted to Him"

  • There is an Arabic saying that goes: " You will get what you intended " 
  • This verse told us about having a good niyyah is the action and guide for us to achieve a bright future. For example, in the context of education, if the students intend about their learning process is because of Allah and then InsyaAllah they will achieve their true success.


  • CFS IIUM Usrah class (CCUB 1062)


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