Assalamualaikum and Happy Friday . I hope you are always in the blessing of oneness Allah SWT .
In this pretty sublime and peaceful day , I would like to share that I think it is quite interesting . The topic is manners . As I wrote in a previous blog , it is just a adab in general . and today i intend to share a little about manners towards parents , community or society and manners as a student . Furthermore , I am a student , so with the research that I make , I personally can improve myself and hopefully , it also can give a little benefit to the readers.

First thing first , Manners are devoted to both parents . Are you know that every child should be gentle , respectful , humble , polite , when talking to our parents .The important thing is we cannot mixed with the harsh words that will hurt the parents heart while talking to them . Why is this manners are important ? , because our parents is heaven to us.
Many people out there do a lot of worship and say that a lot of worship will be the reason for them to enter heaven. While we will enter heaven by the grace of Allah SWT . There are various ways to get Allah's grace , one of that is by getting pleasure from Him. As mention in Hadith , 

:عَنْ عَبْدُ الله بن عَمْرٍو رضي الله عنهما قال قال رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

رِضَى اللهُ فى رِضَى الوَالِدَيْنِ و سَخَطُ الله فى سَخَطُ الوَالِدَيْنِ

From Abdullah bin Amr RA , from Prophet Muhammad SAW , he said : " The pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of parents , and the wrath of Allah is also in the wrath of parents ." - Hadith Tarmizi no: 1821 . These are few things that should do as a child in order to get the blessing and grace from parents and almighty God :-
  • Kissing parents' hand 
  • Honor parents by giving them what they ask for (accordance with syara')
  • Preserve the name of our parents 
  • Do not interrupt while parents are speaking
  • Do put your wife or husband and children ahead of your parents
  • Do not leave without their permission
  • Do not criticize when parents do the bad thing
  • Pray for them especially after they die . Sent Al-Fatihah to them
  • Say a lot of the word of Allah SWT 
    وَقُل رَّبِّ ٱرۡحَمۡهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرٗا ٢٤
Secondly , manners in community and society 
  • Respect the older and love the younger
  • Speak in a gentle and slow tone voice
  • Respect the ideas thrown
  • Reject the idea in a better way that will not hurt the idea giver
  • Cooperate well
  • Pay attention in all activities that carried out together
  • Helping who need help and do not insult the poor
  • Speak in a nice words
  • Always ready to provide any form of assistance and assistance needed.

Lastly , manners as a STUDENT .
  • Sincere intention to Allah SWT
  • Perseverance and trust only in Allah SWT
  • Stay away from all vices. Immorality is one of the causes of a student's difficulty in receiving, understanding and practicing knowledge
  • Choose righteous friends. Friends play an important role for people who want to seek knowledge. We will be easily influenced by the morals of friends, if we choose pious friends, hopefully we will be pious people as well. 
  • Increase remembrance or remember Allah . We will not do anything immoral when we remember Allah SWT. Remembrance will also give peace to our souls. When our soul is calm then all problems will be solved well.
  • Respect yourself and others. Many people can respect others but not many people are able to respect themselves such as not doing things that can damage the body, spirit and mind.
  • Prayers from parents. Parental prayer plays an important role in a student's success. The prayers that will not be rejected by Allah have three groups, namely the prayers of the oppressed, the prayers of the parents and the prayers of the travelers.
  • Respect the teacher. A student must respect his teacher to be blessed in his life. It is the teacher who sacrifices to make us a knowledgeable person so that we can enter the ivory tower and get a good job.

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