Assalamualaikum and hi , good evening reader . I hope you have a very nice day today . Today i just want to share a simple topic which is "should we cherish in our life ? " . First thing first , we must know that not every single time in our life , we will get what we want , we will arrive at the destination that we are heading  and we will go through what we like . I personally believe that every person in this world will happy when they achieved the things same as they planned already but we have give deeply into this quotes ; " we plan , Allah also plan and the best planner ever is the almighty god". As recorded in The pillar of Iman , the last term in that pillars is to believe in Qadha and Qadar . It is sometime Allah do not give us what we want , but Allah give us what we need . Therefore , we have to hold tightly the 20 characteristics of the God . As always used . everyone happens there is definitely a wisdom and can be the wisdom that Allah gives it greater that what we planned earlier .Therefore , we have to grateful to the almighty god who give us to stay in his world , breathe the fresh air and everything that is borrowed to us . As is the verse often repeated in Surah Ar-Rahman 

Then which of your Lord’s favours will you both deny?


how should cherish in life:-


1.    Start a compliments file. Document the nice things people have said to you – it reminds you of your self-worth and will make for an encouraging and heartwarming read on your down days

2.    Make the most of your commute! Commuting can be a dreary experience, so find five unexpectedly beautiful things that make you smile on your way to and back from work.

3.    Treat yourself to an at-home spa. Take a long, warm bath or shower; pamper yourself with candles and indulgent body care products like body oils and polishes; and sit around in your bathrobe, leisurely reading your magazines.

4.    Play up your strengths. Think about what you’re good at (dancing, writing, painting) and find an opportunity to do it today.

5.    Get positive feedback. Ask three of your family members or loved ones to tell you what they love about you.

6.    Surround yourself with ‘radiators’, not ‘drainers’. Hang out with ‘radiators’, people who emit enthusiasm and positive energy, rather than ‘drainers’ whose pessimism and negativity drains you of your energy.

7.    Treat yourself. Indulge in a small luxury. It need not be extravagant – it could be a simple pair of earrings or even that chocolate cupcake you’ve been eyeing after work.

8.    Have a good laugh .Spend time with your family Watch an episode of your favourite sitecom or programme, or even a quick youtube clip that gets you laughing.

9.    Get moving. Play your favourite upbeat track and dance mindlessly to it – this not only gets you moving but can really boost your mood as well. Go for a jog or climb stairs to get your heart racing and the oxygen flowing

10. Get out of your comfort zone. Try something new like a fitness class, or take initiative to talk to someone new at a social gathering, if that is something that you wouldn’t normally do.

11. Be selfish and have a self-date with Allah. Do something for yourself every day just simply because you want to, or spend an hour alone doing something that makes you feel recharged and new. such as go pray to Allah . back to Allah . because Allah is the best listener .

from my opinion , everything that happened is the best for us . We are just to stay positive in all situations that happen either it is good or bad situations. When we are cheerful , happy and influence the positive vibes ,  in order to create our life it the the sign that we gratitude for his blessing rather than we act like cold , gloomy and stressful. I am personally agree if there are the statement that people surrounding you will dislike when you are acting like that . These character will show that we cannot accept the predetermined destiny that have written for us .

How to be positive :-

  • Surrounded yourself with positive people 
  • Hold tight to your faith
  • Have a hobby
  • Spend more time with family 
  • Focus on what makes you happy 
  • Read motivational books
  • Yell less
  • Don't compare yourself to others
  • Have kore patience 
  • Lough more
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Give back
  • Help others
  • Don't let the sad news that you heard and read about consume you
  • Take some things with a grain of salt


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