Why our Iman always been TESTED ?

The root of the word "Iman" derived from a-m-n which means to be calm and quiet ( in one's heart) ; to be protected from fear , trustworthiness and truthfulness . Iman is also meaning to accept the truthfully , to be convinced and to verify something , to rely upon or have confidence in something . Usually Iman is translating into English as faith or belief .Faith in turn signifies acceptance without proof and agreement, without reference to reason or thought , knowledge or insight . Allah gives a comprehensive and an objective definition of Iman in the holy book : 

" To believe in Allah , and in the hereafter , and in Malaika (angels or Allah's forces) , and in the Book , and the Prophets ." [2:177]

There are an event that would be example for today topic . This event recorded in the Quran in Surah Taha verse 95 - 96 :

Kisah ini jelas menceritakan, segala kelebihan yang ada dalam diri seseorang juga boleh menjadi musibah yang membinasakan apabila digunakan ke jalan yang salah.

It is narrated that Prophet Moses AS faced Samiri who was once a faithful follower of teachings brought by Prophet Moses AS . Samiri has done something wrong with the advantages that are in him . He had misled many of Prophet Moses AS followers at that time . Although Samiri was a believer in the true teachings , his level of faith could not protect him from evil . He stumbled into a heresy committed by himself . What a loss of faith in the heart if it is not able to draw us toward goodness and even fall into destruction. It all depends on the health of faith . The strong remain strong , but the weak continue to fall and drift in ignorance .  Because of that , as a Muslim , we are suggested to practice this doa every time after prayer .

In my opinion , our faith will always be tested by Allah SWT no matter who you are , the test is sure to come . There are times when our faith has its ups and downs .Therefore , we are advised to practice the prayers listed above . As a human being , the test that comes is the normal thing . Every human has his own test that God gives to his servants. God gives us that test so that we can remember it and return to it . As we already know , the test that God gives is in accordance with our ability . Our god will not give the test beyond the ability of his servants . Because of that , we cannot complain about this . This is also shows that we are a person who adheres to the pillars of faith or not. If we are the one who hold tight to the pillars , we already accept all the challenges and tested that almighty god give to us. Our Iman is being tested because Allah loves us . He know that  his servant will worship him back in order to ask for his help . 

" When Allah loves a person , He tries them " - Al-Bukhari 

Lastly , here the videos which related to this topic . Happy Watching ^-^


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