As far back as history recorded , there are 4 books has been revealed by Allah . Usually , these books called Kitab Samawi . As we know , believe in books is one of the pillars of faith (Iman). Every religion has a scripture itself as a reference or guide in living life in the world based on their era or time . In fact , the whole scripture or book contains a command to monotheizing (mentauhidkan) Allah SWT and the command to do good to human beings. The Holy book is the last that which justifies and validates the existence of previous books that were revealed to the other Prophets before the Prophet nabi Muhammad SAW namely as Zabur , Injil (Bible) and Taurat.

  (Surah  Al-Imran 3:3  )  عَلَيْكَ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ بِٱلْحَقِّ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَأَنزَلَ ٱلتَّوْرَىٰةَ وَٱلْإِنجِيلَ                                                 Dia menurunkan Al Kitab (Al Quran) kepadamu dengan sebenarnya; membenarkan kitab yang telah diturunkan sebelumnya dan menurunkan Taurat dan Injil                                              

  • The books Zabur revealed to Prophet Daud (David) AS - Surah Isra' [17:55]

In terms , Zabur means a name addressed to a collection of words of the prophet Daud AS.It is revelation and inspiration that he obtained from the results of his munajat to god.

  • The books Taurat revealed to Prophet Musa (Moses) AS - Surah Al- Maidah [5:44]

In terms , Taurat means sheets that contain about the sentences that was revealed to the prophet Misa AS on Mount Tur .Among the books revealed to the Prophet Musa , this book is the main shari'ah

  • The books Injil (Bible) revealed to Prophet Isa (Jesus) AS - Surah Al-Maidah [5:46]

Some linguists and commentators argue that it is content this comes from the Arabic language whose root is najlan which means water which out of the earth

  • The Holy Book Al-Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW 

This Al-Quran was revealed as a revelation (wahyu) to  the prophet Muhammad SAW and this revelation was written by Zaid b. Thabit , Mua'wiyah b. Abi Sufyan , Ubai b. Ka'ab and Amru b. As . They written down all the surah on the bones , bark and others .It includes the biography of our Prophet Muhammad SAW , peace upon be him , his mission as a Prophet , his ranking as in human history . It includes the entire text of the Holy book . This book records a lot of our creator , events , advices , medicines and instructions in worshipping oneness god. Al-Quran also composed of 114 chapters and is divided into 30 parts. Just as Prophet Muhammad SAW was sent as a mercy to the world and this book was sent as a book of guidance for all humankind as it states in Chapter 81 verse 27 : " Verily this is no less than a message to (all the worlds)".It also cover every factors of human beings . It is like a manual to us for daily activities . The Quran tells us of life in this world and the hereafter . One-third of the book consists of the Islamic code of laws ,One-third includes the history of humankind and One-third covers religious , moral , economic , social and political issues that people face day by day.

References from , 

  • Usul Al-Din's Book Form 5 (KBD)


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