S - T - U - D - Y

          Assalamualaikum and hi . Today's topic is about STUDY .  Here is one question , Why we should study to improve our amal ? . As usual ,  if you would like to share your answer , please type it in the comment section down below .

  In Islam , studying is an obligation and demands of every human . It is because knowledges is like a yardstick in our life in determining whether a matter is good or not. Apart from that , Allah SWT will also raise knowledgeable people with several degrees base on His word ;

يَرْفَعِ اللَّـهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ It means ; " So that Allah SWT will raise the level of those who believe among you , and those who are given knowledge of Religion  (rather than among you ) with a few degrees". -Al Mujadalah verse 11. 

Why we need to study to improve our Amal because by study :- 

  • we can make self improvement - when someone study went to study they know what should they do as a human being . For example , before this we do not know about Ihsan nut after we study about Ihsan , we will apply the Ihsan in our work . Maybe before this we known as a lazy worker, but after we apply this concept of Ihsan , we become a super good worker .
  • we can gain more knowledges - As a human , the knowledge that we have is just a little bit of God's knowledges. It is because Allah's knowledges as wide as the ocean .Because that , many people said , the more you learn , the more you don not know actually . That why Islam ask us to gain knowledge even though you thought you have enough knowledge
  • we can understand translation in Quran - In the Holy Book , there are a lot of  messages , advise , stories , instructions , encouragement and medicine from the gods from the universe. There is a loss for those of us who do not delve into the verse . To delve the verse we must to study
  • we can values of akhlaq 
  • we can value of manners - by studying we can improve our akhlaq and manners . For example , every single person must want to be a great Muslim , therefore , it is start from the best akhlaq and good manners towards everything neither human nor other things.
  • we can add qualities of a Muslim character
  • we can know tajweed during reading al-Quran 
  • we can increase the man level - by studying , man levels can increase from the level of animals to the level of human beings.
  • we can figure out the details that we overlooked
  • we can save time in order to get quality worship .we know the best way in worshipping Allah SWT . As mention in Hadith Gabriel , " Worship Allah as if you see him , and if you do not see him , He sees you ." . Maybe before we clear about this , we pray do not tertib in order to finish prayer early but after we delve into this hadith we change the method of our prayer. We pray with tertib , slowly and perfect.
So now , here a video contains the tips for students. The title of the videos is [ 7 habits to study more effectively ]


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