- Eschatology - 

The word ESCHATOLOGY derived from the Yunani/Greek [eschatos] which means [the last] and this word had combined with the word [ logy ] which means [knowledge] .This knowledge will be divided to the different religion . Therefore , there are a few doctrine that storied about last event according to their own religion perspective. Because of that , in this eschatology topic , there are very clear difference between the belief of samawi religion or 'abrahamaic religion' with the teachings of non belief of samawi religion. Understanding in differentiation of the goals is the most important things so that we will become more strong and strives to protect the faith and belief from perverts.

System of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death and it also The study of the end times — the end of the world, notably in Christian theology the second coming of Christ, the Apocalypse or the Last Judgment.

In Islamic doctrine , on the End of the day , the death will be resurrected and a judgement will be pronounced on every person in accordance to his deeds . Our deeds will be weighed soon . No one knows when the Last day will come , but there are some signs state in the Quran and Sunnah. In order to prove that the resurrection will occur , the Quran uses a moral and a physical argument because not all requital is meted out in this life , a final judgement is necessary to bring it completion.

The founders of the field of Islamic Eschatology or the study of the science of akhiruzzaman are Imam Al-Ghazali, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Majah, Imam al-Bukhari, and Ibn Khuzaimah .

In this topic there are also shared about :-

10 Major sin of the Day of Judgement in Islam 

  • The arrival of Imam Mehdi
  • Dajjal will come
  • The decent of Jesus
  • The emergence of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj 
  • The smoke will appear , world will become darkly
  • The emergence of Beast
  • The sin will rise from the west not from the east
  • Landlides
  • The fire will begin
  • the Ka'abah will destroy

Slanders of Dajjal

  • Kill one soul then revive it
  • With him there is heaven and hell.
  • Will be followed by a lot of property.
  • Sawing someone then resurrecting him. (HR. Muslim, 2938/113)
  • With water, rivers, and mountains of bread, fire, and water.

These are some book that written about Islamic Eschatology 
  1. Konspirasi Babylon by Ustaz Au'ni Mohamed - This book demonstrates the knowledge of Islamic Eschatology which is how to deal with the final defamation of times by defaulting the conspiracy arranged by the King Namrud generation of Babylonian rulers in continuing the worlds mission of obtaining to this day
  2. Messiah Uthmaniyah by Ustaz Au'ni Mohamed - This books demonstrated abouth the association that built by dajjal in the name of messiah that had succeed in dropping the goverment of Turkish Uhmaniyah . This movement is 350 years old more and still exist until now.

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