BAD ending stories

Assalamualaikum and happy Thursday to all the readers . Today topic is Does all bad-ending stories  are bad for us ? hmmm what you all think ? I hope you can share your opinion in the comment down below .

Back to the topic , every human being that god has created has its own path of life . The almighty god has set the way of his servants' life and the destiny since luth mahfuz already . There are some people , the way of their life like this . In the other hand , there are some people , the way of their life like that . Some are rich and some are poor . Some are happy and some are sad . Some are full and some are hungry . Some have a little challenges and some have a lot of challenges . Therefore , whatever that God had given to us , we have to be grateful and redha with his destiny . Sometimes , we often feel that oneness God do not fair to us , we ask God about the destiny of our life repeatedly . While , we usually forgot that Allah SWT is the best planner in this world . Have you ever heard a verse that says , " maybe you like something but it is bad for you , and maybe you hate but it is the best for you ." . For example , as a human , we always compare our self with others . We said " why Allah tested me like this , Why not other else ?  " . The answer is , Allah loves us , Allah miss us and Allah want us to back for Him . s Allah said in the Holy Book ; 

For instance , maybe for us the test seems easy but not for he / she . Based on the verse , we need to well thought of the God and believe in his destiny . As we have been on for so long , why should we complain about the bad-ending we face as if we do not believe in the wisdom that will coming . Everything that happen must be a wisdom . If we adhere to the pillars of Faith , we believe in Allah SWT with his " Ya Rahman " and " Ya Rahim" . We believe in and accept  Qada and Qadar . I firmly agree that if we believe in all the pillars of Faith and the verses from God , we will face all the challenges calmly and accept all the destiny that has been determined for us. We will not be saddened by the bad-ending stories that are happening , in fact we will use it as a motivator for the successful that God has put forward . Last but not least , Does all the bad-ending stories is bad for us ? . The answer is no , because it is not the point that we loss in our life but it is like a rock spike for us to achieve a better life . Without failure we will not learn something new because as a human , we learn a lot from our experience . Stay cool and stay strong . Back to the God . 


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